NYR is announcing dates for its Spring Development Camp. We will be holding our camp from April 15th to April 19th. Goaltenders will be attending a Goalie Evaluation Session on the first night of Camp. From there we will be selecting Goalies to move on to the rest of Camp.
We will be having Officiated Scrimmage Games on the 16th, 17th and 18th. Each player is guaranteed 3 evaluation scrimmage games. Decided on the evaluation from those games there will players chosen from these games to participate in an Invitational Game on April 19th against our current roster. This will be an officiated full 3x 20 minutes periods. Mark these dates in your calendar and keep watching our website for registration announcement soon. We have limited enrollment. Book early!
Sign up by clicking this link: http://northyorkrangers.pointstreaksites.com/view/northyorkrangers/spring-development-camp